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2024 Financial Information 





School Fees and Discount Information 

**Please note that we are the ONLY private school in our area who does not charge school fees for December!**  

Grades PR and R:      R1530 per month (only paying January – November)

Grades 1-7:             R2730 per month (only paying January – November)


We will no longer be charging late fees. The structure will now be based on a reward system for those who pay early. 


If paying before the 7th of the month, you will receive a R50 discount




  • If John Ramatshila (who has a son in Grade 3) pays his January school fees on 6 January, he will receive a R50 discount and only needs to pay R2430. 

  • If Rethabile Lebea pays for her daughter’s grade R June school fees on 7 June, she’ll only need to pay R1340. 

  • If Mahlatse Masondo pays for her sons school February fees on February 10th, she will need to pay R2480 and will not receive the discount. 


*The discount only applies if you’ve paid all fees in full before the 7th of the month. 


Other Discounts:

  • If you have more than one child (siblings only) at our school, the second child will receive a 10% discount on school fees.

  • There is a 5% discount to people who pay the entire year ahead of time - the total amounts are R14 525/year for PR, and R25 916 for grades 1-7. This full amount has to be paid before or on 15 February.


Yearly Registration Fee:

Our yearly (non-refundable) registration fee is R1000, which includes book fees, registration fees, all administration charges, etc. Please note that this is the standard amount for most private schools in our area.)  


Due to the very high interest in our school, we need all registrations each year to be paid by 30 September to ensure a space for the next year.  On 1 November we will be accepting learners from other schools, and if you have not paid your child may lose his/her place. 


For those people applying for new learners (Grade 1 - 7), you will be charged a R200 application fee.  That fee will be deducted from your registration fee if your child is accepted.  This is a non-refundable application fee.     



Cash deposits

Cash will no longer be accepted at the school. Payments may be made by card at our office, or via EFT (please remember to use your child's PF number as a reference!)


Default on Payment of Fees

If payment is not received by the 15th of the month, the school reserves the right to suspend any leaner from participating in the activities of the school.  Upon settlement of the outstanding fees the learner will be admitted back to class.  Any failure by the learner(s) to attend classes will not reduce or in any way alter the parents’ liabilities in respect of payment of the fees due. 


In the event that the parents are experiencing financial difficulties, an appointment must be set up with the Bursar within 5 days of such fees being due.  The parents must bring in adequate proof of such financial difficulties if they want to make financial arrangements. 



Parents are required to give one month’s notice if they are transferring to a different school.  If they do not give notice, their account will be charged the month notice. 


Transfer Cards

Transfer cards are only issued on the student’s last day of school at Pfunanane, provided that all school fees are paid (and other debts), and that all school property is returned. 





© 2021 Pfunanane Academy

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